
m!ka Monitor Arm XS aluminium

Det ursprungliga priset var: 1.750,00 SEK.Det nuvarande priset är: 900,00 SEK. ex moms

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Artikelnr: OUTLETYELYT3231 Kategori: Etikett:

Product Condition: Demo


Yellowtec m!ka Monitor Arm XS aluminium is the smallest version available. If you only need a small variability of your monitor arrangements, it is the perfect choice for you. Choose the m!ka Monitor Arm XS to shape working areas where the maximum range to adjust the monitor’s position goes up to 10.5cm only.

Use a Yellowtec m!ka Monitor Arm XS aluminium to mount a monitor with a weight up to 12kg. Equipped with a QuickFix Adapter for VESA75 and VESA100 fixtures, proper adjustment of only a few screws will lead to a securely fastened monitor according to its weight and in any position you pull it to.

A m!ka Monitor Arm allows you to customize your monitor’s position within seconds. Adjust the horizontal and vertical inclination and separately define the force needed to change both. Take full advantage of the given variety of mounting options to tailor your monitor setup to your individual needs.



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