Compact Stereo Camera Mic for Highest-quality TV Audio

26.955,00 SEK ex moms

Förväntad leveranstid: ca. 2 veckor


Artikelnr: SANCMS-10 Kategorier: , , , Etikett:


Industry Standard Switchable Mono/Stereo Camera Mounted Shotgun

The Sanken CMS-10, uses M-S design to provide stereo or mono with superior frontal directionality and a rejec-tion of sounds from the sides and back, making it ideal for noisy shooting situations or reverberant environments. The built-in Mono/Stereo switch allows output of a highly directional mono signal to both L/R channels or a L/R stereo signal. (The CMS-10 is also available in an MS version that has a built-in Mono/M-S Stereo Switch.) The supplied suspension camera-mount eliminates vibrations from both camera and operator movement. The condenser elements use exclusive PPS (Poly-Phenylene Sulfide) diaphragms to provide exceptional response and optimum humidity/temperature stability.

Unlike conventional shotgun microphones, the CMS-10 uses a unique second-order pressure gra-dient design, enabling precision directional response through multiple cardioid elements in a front-back array. The capsules combine line micro-phone performance and second-order gradient response in a single compact [8.6 inch long] system.

For episodic television, film/video documentaries, and major broadcast events, it has become desirable to record targeted sounds precisely, with the added option of capturing realistic stereophonic perspectives. In many cases, engineers have accomplished this with a pair of shotgun micro-phones, or with the combination of a shotgun mic and an MS-stereo mic. Both methods are lacking because of problems in stereo localization, accu-rate width of the sonic image and clarity of the audio. In addition, multiple microphone configura-tions impair field mobility and sonic consistency.

Stereophonic localization depends primarily on signal accuracy and channel separation in the 400Hz to 3kHz range. Pattern control of the CMS-10 has been optimized in this range. Very low and very high frequency response has been optimized along the frontal axis so that the “target” on-axis sounds are clearly delineated. The result in play-back accentuates the frontal image, with side signals positioned slightly behind.

  • Mid-Side design
  • Switchable mono or left/right output
  • Matrix built in
  • Optimized pattern
  • Low proximity effect
  • Compact size 8.3″ (211mm), 6 oz (170g)
  • Wide – Attached 10″ (.26m) cable with standard XLR5 connector
  • Using PPS diaphragms, it maintains high durability and quality even in high humidity environments

PWB Brands


Läs mer om Sanken


Sanken har ett stort utbud av mikrofoner, allt från headset och myggor till riktmikrofoner för video, filmproduktion, broadcast och live events. De är konstruerade och tillverkade i Japan och innehåller många innovativa funktioner som bl.a. membran som är okänsliga för fukt och temperaturförändringar. Resultatet är ett stall av mikrofoner med fenomenal frekvensåtergivning, exceptionella riktmikrofoner, lågt egenbrus och hög SPL.